We are MBStrong, residents bringing you news on important issues we think you want to know about. Our subscribers are MB residents from moderate Democrats to conservative Republicans.
We like to hear from you…
Dear MB Residents,
After the Forum on Measure A held at the Shade Hotel last spring, we asked residents for their feedback.
We’d like to ask for your feedback again after the recent Candidate Forums sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce last week.
What are the issues most concerning to you in this election?
What are you looking for in a candidate?
Did the Forums help you get a better idea about where the candidates stand on the issues?
All emails will remain confidential, of course.
Missed the Forums? You can watch them on video.
Our Final Candidate Line-Up Newsletter can be found [HERE] which includes excerpts of the candidates if they were in previous Newsletters and includes their contact info.
A video of the City Council Candidate Forum can be watched [HERE].
A video of the School Board Forum can be watched [HERE], and their closing remarks can be seen [HERE].
Candidate Events: Mark your calendars!!!
All are open to the public.
Saturday, Oct. 8, 4:00-6:00 PM
A Big Bash with Candidate, Frank Chiella. All are welcome for Music & Fun.
LOCATION: 1154 Manzanita Lane. Easy street parking.
Drop by to talk to Frank and meet your MB neighbors!
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1:00-3:00 PM
City Council Candidate Forum at the Joslyn Center 1601 Valley Ave.
Hosted by The Manhattan Beach Senior Advisory Committee.
Questions are from the audience! Attend and bring your questions.
Weds. Oct. 12, 9:00-10:00 AM
Coffee with School Board Candidates Johnny U, Christy Barnes, and Mike Welsh-The Trifecta.
900 Club at 900 Manhattan Ave. Attend and bring your questions.
Weds, Oct. 12, 6:30-9:00 PM
City Council Candidate Forum at the Shade Hotel 1221 Valley Dr.
Hosted by Downtown Business & Professional Association. Attend and bring your notepad!
Disclosure: All candidates have previously been invited to send us their public announcements.
Ballots arrive by mail in mid-October
Election day is Nov. 8th
You have 3 votes for School Board and 2 votes for City Council.
2022 California Election Forum Voter Guide
Many residents have asked us for recommendations on a Voter’s Guide. There are several out there, but the following nonpartisan guide is widely respected in CA. Click below to see their candidate recommendations for National, State, and City elections.
Stay tuned for more voter guides coming in the future.
Disclaimer: We have not taken money from the Election Forum nor have we researched all of their candidate picks. We post and link their information strictly as a public service to our readers.
About MBStrong…
Our subscribers are MB residents from moderate Democrats to conservative Republicans. We started in Jan. 2021 with 100 subscribers and have grown to thousands. Thank you for staying plugged into crucial MB issues by reading MBStrong.
We keep all personal information about our writers and subscribers confidential unless instructed otherwise.
Add MBStrong@substack.com to your email contact list to keep our emails out of your spam folder!
Disclaimer: MBStrong provides a free, informative Newsletter on issues that most impact our beach city and is available to all. We are not a political group or a campaign arm for candidates, measures, or bonds. We do not collect or spend money on elections and we follow guidance from our Attorney to comply with the rules and regulations of the Political Reform Act.