Doxing is the act of revealing personal information about someone online, such as their name, residence, etc. That information is then circulated to the public — without the victim's permission. It is a malicious act, used against people with the purpose to discredit and create a negative public opinion about the target. - See full definition and video HERE.
Dear MB Residents,
Protecting the confidentiality of MBStrong volunteers and our subscribers has always been our highest priority. And nearly all residents who write to us, request that we keep their personal information confidential to avoid harassment and bullying for expressing their opinions. Councilmember and candidate for re-election, Suzanne Hadley, recently violated the right to privacy of two MBStrong volunteers by doxing them on social media. This raises genuine fears about when she might dox others with whom she disagrees.
A resident posted our MBSTRONG VOTER GUIDE on social media for discussion, which included retired MB Battalion Chief Frank Chiella and Councilmember/incumbent Suzanne Hadley as our two highest-ranked candidates for City Council. Councilmember Hadley tried to discredit our endorsement of Frank Chiella by claiming MBStrong is not comprised of MB residents.
MBStrong is in fact a network of writers, researchers, and contributors from a variety of backgrounds and professions that are predominantly long-time MB residents. A few Hermosa parents, whose children attend MB schools, contribute to the research of our articles on MBUSD because they have a vested interest in restoring our schools to Academic Excellence. Ms. Hadley doxed a writer and her husband that raised their children in MB and temporarily moved to Redondo for personal reasons but have plans to return to MB. Councilmember Hadley used the personal circumstances of this one couple in an attempt to discredit MBStrong’s endorsement.
Doxing violates privacy and the harm it can bring to the target is very real. Personal information published online is permanent and can show up in a simple online search. It can put the victims at risk of physical harm if someone chooses to go to their home or workplace or follow them. It takes an emotional toll on the target and their family for their safety. Doxing can also cause financial harm as doxed victims have been terminated from their employment.
Doxing incites others to join in the cyberbullying and harassment that often occurs as a result of doxing, especially if the doxing is by a person with name recognition as in this case. The following post was from a resident (name redacted) in response to Ms. Hadley’s doxing of the MBStrong couple.
A Councilmember doxing anyone who contributes to our Newsletter threatens the continuation of MBStrong’s service to the community. Our efforts are valued by over 6,000 MB residents largely due to our extensive research on the critical issues that we cover with a fair and measured tone. We fill a previous void for residents by delivering fact-based reporting on issues like Bruce’s Beach, HighRose, Measure A, state overreach, inappropriate posts on social media by a School Board Member, and more. We are concerned that doxing of our contributors by a sitting Councilmember will cause many of our volunteers to drop out from fears their personal reputations will be destroyed, businesses boycotted, and their children harassed at school. In other words, if doxing by Councilmember Hadley continues, our services to the community may come to an end.
Elected officials are held to a higher standard and expectation that they will protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals.
We respectfully request that Councilmember Suzanne Hadley delete all of her posts on social media that doxed our MBStrong contributors. Below is one of a few posts on social media by Ms. Hadley with the name of the MBStrong couple redacted.
If you agree that Councilmember Hadley should remove her posts that doxed two individuals in MBStrong, please send a respectful email to City Council [HERE].
PS: Our volunteers have been subject to intimidation tactics for over a year. Please review our brief article from 8/28 titled “3) Attempts to shut down the voice of MBStrong: …The level of intimidation increased dramatically soon after our recent publication about candidates,” [HERE].
Our email address:
MBStrong Voter Guide: Candidates at a Glance
To see our research and reasoning for our decisions in the full Voter Guide click here.
Issued by MBStrong. Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.
CA Election Forum listing of MB candidates.
See their full VOTER GUIDE by clicking [HERE].
*We are not paid by or affiliated with CA Election Forum.
Manhattan Beach candidate’s ENDORSEMENT on Twitter.
Meet City Council Candidate, FRANK CHIELLA
Mon. Oct. 24th. 6-8 PM
Location: Sandbar 66, 900 Manhattan Ave.
Cocktails, laughter, and appetizers will be provided! Bears vs. Patriots will be on.
Meet the School Board candidates: Johnny U, Christy Barnes, and Mike Welsh
Weds. Oct. 26th. 9:00-10:00 AM
Location: 900 Club at 900 Manhattan Ave.
Coffee with the Trifecta!
Check out what our MB neighbors are saying about Measure MB on their website by clicking [HERE].
Disclaimer: MBStrong is not affiliated with any campaign and all candidates have been offered to post their Public Announcements in our Newsletter.
MB Residents speak…we get emails.
Regarding our HighRose is a No Go article:
“This is great news! Keep up the great work, appreciate all you do! - Resident 10/19/22”
“Great work once again sifting through the issues and suggesting a common sense and reasonable path! - Lynn 10/17/22”
About MBStrong…
Our subscribers are MB residents from moderate Democrats to conservative Republicans and everyone in between. We started in Jan. 2021 with 100 subscribers and have grown to thousands. Thank you for staying plugged into crucial MB issues by reading MBStrong’s Newsletter.
We’d love to hear from you!
We keep all personal information about our writers and subscribers confidential unless instructed otherwise.
Add to your email contact list to keep our emails out of your spam folder!
Disclaimer: MBStrong provides a free, informative Newsletter on issues that most impact our beach city and is available to all. We are not a political group or a campaign arm for candidates, measures, or bonds. We do not collect or spend money on elections and we follow guidance from our Attorney to comply with the rules and regulations of the Political Reform Act.