It’s a good day to be an American!
Bring an umbrella! Every vote counts!
Joslyn Community Center Auditorium 1601 N. Valley Drive.
Manhattan Heights Community Center 1600 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
MBStrong’s Endorsements
For more information on the MB candidates, please refer to our complete Voter Guide.
Issued by MBStrong. Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.
Want guidance on the slew of Judges?
Our trusted Voter Guide is CA Election Forum [HERE].
MBStrong is not affiliated with Election Forum and does not get paid by the company.
For more information on the MB election, see our latest article below.
About MBStrong…
Our subscribers are MB residents from moderate Democrats to conservative Republicans and everyone in between. We started in Jan. 2021 with 100 subscribers and have grown to thousands. Thank you for staying plugged into crucial MB issues by reading MBStrong’s Newsletter.
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Disclaimer: MBStrong provides a free, informative Newsletter on issues that most impact our beach city and is available to all. We are not a political group or a campaign arm for candidates or measures. We do not collect or spend money on elections and we follow guidance from our Attorney to comply with the rules and regulations of the Political Reform Act.