On a regular basis, we will be publishing letters from residents to residents in the edition we call “MB Residents Speak…” If you have information or an opinion, and you would like to share it with your MB neighbors, please email your letter to MBStrong2021@gmail.com.
Dear MBStrong,
I read Rick Cabanes' brief piece this morning in your April 25 issue of MBStrong’s "MB Residents Speak.” I concur wholeheartedly, but regretfully. (see Rick’s letter below).
In the name of “equity," the State of California funds MB Schools at a lower rate per pupil than the districts next door. I think the time has come to point out the obvious, that repairing "racial inequities" in funding is not equity at all. Rick is right that the handwriting has been on the wall that the State will absolutely decrease per-pupil funding of districts like MBUSD as we impose more and more parcel taxes upon ourselves. This will continue to get worse as well-intentioned citizens of communities like MB vote for parcel taxes. I am a product of California public schools through law school, and I am very concerned about their future.
An additional parcel tax is the wrong approach.
I realize this is an unpopular opinion for a Bear and Bruin alum and a parent with kids in public school, but I oppose Measure A. However, I have had enough of the nonsense.
A Concerned 14 year MB resident and MBUSD parent
From newsletter dated 4/25/2022
Dear MB Residents,
If Manhattan Beach — a wealthy enclave — shows the State that we have the ability to raise significant local taxes to support local education, then in the name of "equity" we will receive fewer State funds because "Increasing the concentration funding is a key element of Newsom’s California For All Kids plan that ‘invests aggressively in equity.’” This seems a bit obvious in the politicized social justice environment that increasing local taxes for education will only result in a net DECREASE in state funding to our schools. Let's not let good, naive intentions exacerbate the problem we are trying to solve.
Rick Cabanes -Resident of MB
Read the article here:
Yard Signs are popping up all around town.
Email WeTheParentsMB@gmail.com for a sign!!!
Elect a new School Board in November to get our school district back on track.
This Board has got to go!
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