Comments about the additional Parcel Tax on this month’s ballot:
“Whomever, please mention to your readers the strategies being employed by those behind this Measure A. This is being placed on the June 7 ballot, and not in November, because proponents realize that the historically low voter turnout provides a significantly greater chance of being passed.”
“Hermosa students attend Costa but they won't be paying the tax.”
“It's terrible what this school district is doing to property owners.”
“They desperately want to extend the bond that was passed a few years ago. Perhaps we spread the word to vote NO until the district cleans up its act.”
Comments on EDSJI:
“Court ruling against boards requiring race or gender member quotas is a ruling for ‘Equal Opportunity’ not "Equality." Our country was founded on equal opportunity not equality of outcome. People serving on the board of directors should be doing so based on skills and knowledge.”
Atta’boy’s to MBStrong:
“Thank God for people willing to stand up in this age of cancellation. God bless you all!”
“Excellent, as always! Many thanks for your vigilance!”
“Excellent as usual!”
“Omg! You all are so gifted at sifting through the information and creating the true meaning in all this. It was so helpful for me. You have provided full clarity in your article. A God-given talent and a lot of hard work! You all are awesome!! Thank you!!”
“Thanks for the update you guys ROCK!”
“Absolutely on the money!”
“Thank you for this update.”
“Thank you for these emails.”
Thank you to our readers and active residents dedicated to keeping our beautiful beach city a unique and lovely community.
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