Letters from residents:
“To MBStrong,
First off, thank you for putting in the work to make this newsletter happen. I can’t overstate how important I think it is that we continue to discuss the issues in our community.
For me, this election is not about individual issues as much as it is about values and how we choose to run our local government. In the last few years, we have seen a hard shift away from the “small family beach town” that MB has been for decades to a Southern California political lightning rod.
For better or worse, the town has been “discovered” and that has meant an influx of people and attention that isn’t primarily focused on living a family beach life. There is certainly nothing wrong with that...until it begins to create an environment that tries to “fix” what is “wrong” with this unique lifestyle. Obviously, any community can take steps to improve the lives of its residents, but that is not where we seem to be today.
Property values aside, being the Bel Air of the Beach has its drawbacks and one of them is the recent bifurcation of the residents along ideological lines—and unlike the conversational, give & take disagreements we’ve all had in the past, there seems to have arisen a group of people that have determined that the City and its residents must fundamentally change to meet a new set of standards that they have chosen for us. As directed. Without discussion. Or else.
The Us vs. Them political landscape that we currently find ourselves in will almost certainly lead us to a place that few people will be happy with over time. We’re all seeing this play out with “whipsaw” laws, policies, and regulations on the national stage right now, and who is satisfied? Who feels like their “side” is being heard? Who feels like they are being treated with respect? IMO this is not a Left vs Right thing, it is a basic human interaction thing.
Democracy doesn’t end at the ballot box in a healthy society. Elected officials are humans just like us. For them to receive feedback during their tenure is something that I think the vast majority of us agree upon as a necessity; however, where we seem to be moving away from that model today is with them listening to said feedback.
There is little we can do at the national level but there is much we can do locally if we begin to focus on what it is that we have in common and return to having conversations about what is best for Manhattan Beach. Not the Top Place To Live In The US Manhattan Beach, but the small beach town where families and ocean enthusiasts live, work and play.
To do that, I strongly believe that we need to elect candidates that are not only committed to the things that made our town one of the best places to live in the world but, just as importantly, those who are willing to entertain feedback from the community in a genuine manner to help guide their decisions.
-Tree Section Resident since ‘98”
"To MBStrong,
I am incredibly grateful for all of the work you do to help keep us aware of what is happening in our beautiful city.
We can always rely on you to give us the straight facts. I am so sorry that some have chosen to use intimidation and bullying tactics to try to control the narrative.
Very sadly I would have to say it is no surprise though.
I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to support you but please ask if there is.
I believe with your support we will eventually prevail and find a City Council that represents us as a community and not their own personalized goals and political beliefs. We need council members that are straight and clear about their positions, accountable for their decisions, and who will work to bring us together as a supportive and loving community. -C.D. long-time MB resident”
QUESTION: What are you looking for in a Council and a School Board candidate?Email us your comments and opinions: MBStrong2021@gmail.com
Look for our Candidate Scorecard this week to help weed through the ads, flyers, and rumors about the candidates and see how they score on the issues we face in MB.
See the list of candidates in our Candidate Line-up edition [HERE].
Weds, Oct. 12, 5:30-7:30 PM
City Council Candidate Forum at the Shade Hotel 1221 Valley Dr.
Hosted by Downtown Business & Professional Association.
The livestream link will be on the front page of the Easy Reader website [HERE].
Where to Vote in person
According to lavote.gov, the following local locations are available for in-person voting:
Hermosa Kiwanis Club
2515 Valley Dr , Hermosa Beach CA 90254
Hours: 10/29 - 11/7: 10AM - 7PM
11/8: 7AM - 8PM
Dockweiler Youth Center
12505 Vista Del Mar , Playa Del Rey CA 90293
Hours: 10/29 - 11/7: 10AM - 7PM
11/8: 7AM - 8PM
About MBStrong…
Our subscribers are MB residents from moderate Democrats to conservative Republicans and everyone in between. We started in Jan. 2021 with 100 subscribers and have grown to thousands. Thank you for staying plugged into crucial MB issues by reading MBStrong.
We keep all personal information about our writers and subscribers confidential unless instructed otherwise.
Add MBStrong@substack.com to your email contact list to keep our emails out of your spam folder!
Disclaimer: MBStrong provides a free, informative Newsletter on issues that most impact our beach city and is available to all. We are not a political group or a campaign arm for candidates, measures, or bonds. We do not collect or spend money on elections and we follow guidance from our Attorney to comply with the rules and regulations of the Political Reform Act.