Mega Events at Bruce's Beach?
Crime increases in MB; CA Government Run Healthcare Bill; Letter from a Resident:
Do you want MEGA EVENTS at Bruce’s Beach Park?
At the upcoming City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, the “special events” policy will be discussed to change the current restrictions and legally allow large mega-events and the serving of alcohol at Bruce’s Beach.
These mega-events will amplify speeches and music disturbing the surrounding neighbors. Street closures will limit access to homes.
The parking surrounding Bruce’s Beach and the adjacent downtown area is already crowded during the year and often is gridlocked in the summer. This change in policy will allow thousands of attendees to take up already very limited parking.
The current special events policy precludes Bruce’s Beach and the 8th Street and Larsson Street Parks as locations for large special events due to the impact on the surrounding neighborhoods.
Previous councils have seen fit to exclude Bruce's Beach from such activities and this council should do the same.
Voice your opinion to city council by giving a public comment at the council meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at 6:00PM. Link to Zoom here
Or email council here:
Or write a public comment directly on the Agenda, item 13.
Link to make comment on Agenda
Once you click the above link, it will take you to the Agenda. Scroll to item 13 and click on “Comment.” Written Public Comments close at 5:30 on Tuesday Feb 1st.
Crime continues to rise in Manhattan Beach.
Under the policies of Far Leftist LA County District Attorney George Gascon, crime has soared in LA and the surrounding cities, including in Manhattan Beach. MB needs a tough-on-crime Police Chief to fill retired Chief Abell’s position.
Contact City Council:
Contact City Manager Bruce Moe:
There is concern Mayor Hildy Stern may be more interested in hiring a Police Chief who supports Gascon’s failed policies.
During the May 18, 2021, MB City Council meeting (agenda # 13), council members voted 4-1 in a symbolic “Vote of No Confidence” of George Gascon, joining 24 other cities in LA County. Mayor Hildy Stern was the sole dissenting vote.
Mayor Stern stated she was “at a complete loss to understand the basis of this resolution,” further citing, “we do not have any data before us to indicate that Gascon’s policies have caused a change in crime in Manhattan Beach.” Mayor Stern continued stating her full support of “no cash bail” and ALL of Gascon’s special directives. Listen to the remarks on the city council recording, beginning at time code 5:15 HERE.
According to LAPD data, crime has risen 52% and shootings are up 59% since 2019.
Residents of Manhattan Beach who are following the local crime reports are well aware crime in MB has increased since the election of DA Gascon. A group of Hill Section residents recently hired Allied International Security to patrol their neighborhood at a personal combined cost to participating residents of $1700 a week.
It is imperative that our MB City Council works closely with City Manager Bruce Moe in searching and hiring a tough-on-crime police chief to fill retired Chief Abell’s position. Contact City Council and Bruce Moe to voice your opinion.
Mandated CA Government-Run Healthcare
Although we typically cover local issues facing MB residents, the current bill in Sacramento, if passed, will have a major impact on all Californians, including our residents.
SUMMARY: A.B. 1400 will ban private healthcare insurance for all Californians and create a universal single-payer healthcare program across the state. This program, funded by increased taxpayer dollars, will cover citizens and non-citizens alike. A.B. 1400 ultimately removes the freedom of citizens to make their own healthcare coverage decisions and places the healthcare system under government control.
Oppose this bill by contacting our State Representatives:
State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D) 916-319-2066
State Senator Ben Allen (D) 916-651-4026
A letter from an MB resident:
Now is the time for all wise and good people to come to the aid of our community. No longer can we languish on our beautiful beaches. No longer can we sip our wine while watching breathtaking sunsets. No longer can we ignore what is being taught in our schools. No longer can we refuse to see that the race card has permeated our society.
As fellow citizens of this great country and community, we can decide to either bury our heads in the lovely sand of our beaches or we can stand up and say, "No More!” These are times that not just ask for, but demand our attention. Our schools are filled with race-based ideology intent on causing impressionable children to question their own ideas of right and wrong. When parents give up their right to have a say in what their children are being taught and give up control over what information is being put into their malleable little brains, they are no longer their children, but pawns in the greedy and oppressive hands of the State.
If you haven't noticed, this once freedom-loving country is slowly being turned into a police state where there are very few police, but many elected officials ordering us to do it their way or no way. Also, in case you haven't noticed, the misguided thinking of many of our teachers and school board members is not what we as parents planned on for our children's reading, writing, and arithmetic lessons.
As parents, we must stand up and fight back. If not, our beautiful beaches and lovely sunsets will be a thing of the past as the clutching hands of those who think they know better than we do will grab hold of the minds of our children, and our life as we know it will no longer be the same.
~Concerned MB Resident
If you have a letter you would like us to publish, please send it to: