MB Political Elites don’t typically consider candidates not connected to the “political machine” as threats, but this year is different with retired Battalion Chief, Frank Chiella running for Council and The Trifecta running for School Board. These “ordinary” people are doing an extraordinary thing…they’re disrupting the status quo.
Frank Chiella and the Trifecta, Mike Welsh, Christy Barnes, and Johnny “U” Uriostegui, are stepping up to a call by the community for a change in leadership. MB has been recycling the same Elite Politicians for many years that are focused on embedding state and county initiatives into our city and schools.
“I agree that there is a need for change. We need a non-politician to bring pragmatic solutions to the table and to represent our voice on City Council again,” says Frank.
Our assessment of Frank from our meetings with him: he’s a man of excellent character - loved by the community - has solutions - is not a pushover - and is NOT a politician. That has made him a strong candidate for the People, and a target for some opponents.
One of the first things that struck us about Frank is his exceptional character which has certainly shined throughout his campaign. While other candidates are engaging in smearing their opponents, Frank has not said one negative word about any candidate in the race. He’s a class act and will be refreshing to have on Council if voters elect him into office.
When it comes to endorsements, quality is better than quantity. Endorsements can be an honor from respected local groups such as firefighters, police, and small businesses. The firefighters have endorsed candidates over the years, but their endorsement of Frank comes with the respect from men who worked under Frank’s command as their Battalion Chief, and it speaks to his abilities, management skills, and leadership.
When looking at a candidate’s endorsement list, scrutinize it carefully as it can reflect some bad bedfellows, particularly if the endorsements are from certain politicians or people with questionable character. Elect candidates with good character as they are less likely to engage in quid-pro-quo activity once in office.
Our current and previous Councilmembers for many years have allowed multiple issues to sit in a pot, burning on the stove, with nobody ringing the alarm. Our City is still facing many of these long-standing issues, such as building up $4 to $5 million in pension debt each year while claiming a surplus in our budget, understaffing in our Police and Fire Departments, handing over our zoning to the state, etc.
We gave Frank 5 stars in our Voter Guide because he has solutions to all of these issues and action plans for implementation. It only takes hearing him speak once to know he’s a solution-oriented leader.
Here are a few of his pragmatic solutions. (See his website for more votefrank4mb.com).
Frank addressed the $91 million debt owed to the pension fund that we recently uncovered. His common sense solution is to cut spending, put aside those savings and earn interest on it. Then the City can make the pension payments from these savings instead of borrowing money and incurring the high cost of interest.
Council recently used one of Frank’s ideas to pay for more Police Officers with savings in OT. Frank also proposed eliminating the “green vest” crew and using the $800,000 cut in payroll to hire 4 armed police officers to patrol downtown.
Frank proposed taking back control of our zoning by first rescinding the ordinance that gave away our local control to the state. The city ordinance was passed by previous Councilmembers David Lesser, Amy Howorth, and Mark Burton, who are all running for re-election.
Frank has been serving the people of MB his entire 35-year career, saving the lives of their loved ones from medical emergencies and saving their homes and businesses from being destroyed by fire. His life’s work lent itself to meeting “ordinary” Manhattan Beachers; company he appears right at home with. He co-founded the MB Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) years ago, which now has over 600 volunteer residents, and he currently serves as the Director.
We proudly endorse Frank Chiella for City Council.
Issued by MBStrong. Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.
MBStrong also proudly endorses the Trifecta, Mike Welsh, Christy Barnes, and Johnny Uriostegui for new School Board leadership.
The Easy Reader free newspaper recently published a multi-page character assassination piece on the Trifecta and the journalist has since had to retract many statements with an apology.
Mike, Christy, and Johnny have the good character to not get in the mud and hurl back at their opponents and the bullies trying to discredit them with lies. They have handled the unfair attacks with grace by staying focused on their mission to serve and represent the residents and parents.
These three resilient people got into the race because they saw what other residents saw, a need for common sense policies to return to the School Board and to bring parents back into the decision-making process of their children’s education.
Residents either like the direction the School Board is taking our schools, or they don’t. Residents wanting to get back to academics and family first will vote for Mike Welsh, Christy Barnes, and Johnny Uriostegui.
Listen to Mike Welsh, Christy Barnes, and Johnny U answer why they stepped up to the call for change.
Read more about the Trifecta and see more videos of what they want to do to bring our schools back. Click [HERE] and [HERE].
Issued by MBStrong. Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.
MBStrong’s Endorsements
Issued by MBStrong. Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.
For those of you thinking of voting at the polls on election day, please be aware that the Weather Channel is calling for a high probability of rain on Monday and an even higher probability (90%) on Tuesday. Bring an umbrella! Please don't let your vote be affected by the weather. Every vote counts.
Sat. 11/5 - Mon. 11/7: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Tues. 11/8: 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Joslyn Community Center Auditorium 1601 N. Valley Drive.
Manhattan Heights Community Center 1600 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
About MBStrong…
Our subscribers are MB residents from moderate Democrats to conservative Republicans and everyone in between. We started in Jan. 2021 with 100 subscribers and have grown to thousands. Thank you for staying plugged into crucial MB issues by reading MBStrong’s Newsletter.
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Disclaimer: MBStrong provides a free, informative Newsletter on issues that most impact our beach city and is available to all. We are not a political group or a campaign arm for candidates or measures. We do not collect or spend money on elections and we follow guidance from our Attorney to comply with the rules and regulations of the Political Reform Act.