We celebrate our second year!
Our new look. More Bruce's Beach. Police Chief Search. MB School Board tries to silence parents with a Cease & Desist letter. Sneaky Cannabis petition.
A year ago this month, MBStrong started with 100 subscribers and today we are thousands strong!
MBStrong is for those residents who think the ideas and actions of the Far Left are not grounded in common sense. Gender and racial identity trumps character. For the sake of reparations, our city history has been rewritten. Social Justice threatens Academic Excellence in our schools. And those who speak obvious truths take great risks: their businesses being boycotted, their kids being bullied, or their homes being vandalized.
It’s for people who understand that truth is not subjective and facts are based in reality. It’s for the independent thinker who doesn’t mindlessly follow a crowd. It’s for residents who know that government for the people and by the people is grounded in, and protected by the U.S. Constitution. It’s for residents from all political parties, particularly those who feel their party has left them. And it’s for residents who vow to elect candidates who understand and embrace these values.
In 2021, we kept residents informed via email newsletters and organized our community around specific issues important to the likeminded: reopening our local businesses after the Covid shutdown, getting kids back into the classrooms, stopping identity politics being taught in our schools, and of course, reporting on the entire Bruce’s Beach History Report debacle.
As we move into 2022, our goal is to get likeminded residents elected to the two open seats on City Council and the three open seats on the School Board on November 8, 2022, by continuing to inform and activate our community. Our newsletter will report on issues our beach city will face this coming year: homeless encroachment; building low-incoming housing in our already dense beach city; budget-busting extreme Green ideas pushed by Mayor Hildy Stern; gender and race-obsessed teachers and Board members corrupting our schools, and indoctrinating our children; “soft on crime” policies causing an alarming increase in local crime; supporting a Law & Order police chief candidate to replace retiring Police Chief Abell; continuing to fight for a truthful recording of our city history.
MBStrong is for you in 2022…
Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about the 2022 candidates and who is on the right side of the issues. We will NEVER sell/give away your information to others! Your information will ALWAYS remain confidential, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Be part of the discussions by leaving a public comment on our Newsletters.
Join our social gatherings, organizational meetings, meet & greets with the candidates, walks to distribute information, rallies, and more by becoming an Active Member. Email MBStrong2021@gmail.com and write “I want to be an Active Member” in the subject line. It’s free!
Tell us what you think about MBStrong and what is on your mind!
Bruce’s Beach recap and update:
As most residents know by now, in 2021 City Council voted to make the Bruce’s Beach Task Force’s History Report the city’s “official story” on Bruce’s Beach, and ever since, the Far-Left and their press have been using Manhattan Beach as a racist punching bag.
The problem with the Task Force’s “official story” is much of what is written in it has either not been proven to be true or has been proven to NOT be true. Many members of the Task Force went on to form MBUnited, the local Far-Left advocacy group, so it’s no wonder the History Report is what it is.
We here at MBStrong voiced our opinion in our newsletters that our city’s history should not be written by locals with a political agenda, but rather by the professional firm History Associates Incorporated that specializes in researching and writing a city’s historical legacy. Their client list is extensive and Manhattan Beach should have been on it: https://www.historyassociates.com/clients/#roster.
Despite the thousands of letters written to Council by you, the residents, asking Council Members to protect our city with a fact-based account of the events of Bruce’s Beach, the vote by Council went down 4-1:
Then Councilmember Hildy Stern, one of the co-chairs of the Task Force and contributor of MBUnited, of course, pushed for the History Report and simply ignored the suggestion of a professional firm altogether.
Steve Napolitano, the other co-chair of the Task Force, to no surprise also pushed for the History Report and attempted to manipulate and deflect residents by stating that professional firms “do not exist.” The comment was an insult to the residents and did not go unnoticed by our subscribers.
Surprisingly Suzanne Hadley agreed with Napolitano’s comment, hitched her vote with him and Stern, and locked in the majority vote.
Richard Montgomery stated it seemed like a good idea to look at professionals, but voted with the majority in the end.
The only Councilman that applied common sense throughout was Councilman Joe Franklin that basically asked why not bring in the professionals? We agree Councilman, why not hire the professionals? The city hires other professionals when necessary, attorneys for our legal matters and CPAs for our financial matters, but on the very issue that needed a truthful account of the facts, not a “story,” our Councilmembers made a grave lapse in good judgment.
And Manhattan Beach has been paying the price ever since.
Story after story in the press last year printed the unfounded rumors in the History Report, wrongly disparaging our beach city as racist. Governor Newsom has used numerous press opportunities to paint Manhattan Beach as the poster child for his reparations movement, which with the History Report, “can now sweep across the nation,” said Newsom in an interview held at Bruce’s Beach last summer. And we all have seen then LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn repeatedly quoted in our local papers, never missing an opportunity to garner publicity at our City’s expense.
Moving forward, the opportunists have not missed a beat in 2022. You can catch some of them this Weds night at our local library:
The County Supervisor’s office has indicated in 2022 they may place a plaque at the lifeguard headquarters located on the Strand at 26th street, using the wording of course from the Task Force’s History Report. Will they also use members of the Task Force/MBUnited to write the plaque?
And as our Councilmembers squabble over the wording for the plaques they plan to place at Bruce’s Beach, it doesn’t really matter if the plaque is 100 words or 1000 words because the source of the wording is the erroneous History Report.
The attacks on our city will be neverending and common sense tells us that as long as City Council keeps the History Report story published on our city website, and refuses to hire the pros to research and write the facts on the events of Bruce’s Beach, Manhattan Beach will continue to be wrongly branded racist then and now.
Police Chief search and crime wave in MB:
City Council Meeting this Tuesday, January 18th, 6:00 pm.
Link to watch meeting or give a 3-minute public comment: https://citymb-info.zoom.us/j/93376200363
Email City Council here: CityCouncil@citymb.info
Email City Manager Bruce Moe here: bmoe@citymb.info
Following Cheif Abell’s recent retirement announcement, Manhattan Beach is currently in the process of searching for a new Police Chief.
If you are concerned about the nonstop crime wave with its increasing violence and boldness plaguing our city…..it’s time to voice your opinion by sending an email to City Council and to City Manager, Bruce Moe, and Zoom into the City Council meeting to give a 3-minute public comment on the subject.
Did you know, under “criminal justice reform” unarmed car theft, home burglaries, and theft up to $950 have been reduced to misdemeanors? Translation…arrest, ticket, release, and repeat. This is “criminal justice reform”…which our current Mayor Hildy Stern, in her own words, fully supports.
Chief Abell practiced “broken windows” policing and his replacement must do the same. The Broken Windows metaphor is one of deterioration: a building where a broken window goes unrepaired will soon be subject to far more extensive vandalism—because it sends a message that the building owners (and, by extension, the police) cannot or will not control minor crimes, and thus will be unable to deter more serious ones. A neighborhood where minor offenses go unchallenged soon becomes a breeding ground for more serious criminal activity and, ultimately, for violence. It’s simply common sense.
Under our District Attorney George Gascon, crime is increasing and with terrifying violence. Armed hold-ups at restaurants, home robberies, and the recent murder/robbery of an 81yr old prominent philanthropist in Beverly Hills by a career criminal...and these are just the crimes that make the news.
Under Prop 47, AB109 and Prop 57 not to mention Gascon’s “special directives” enacted when he was elected…here we are.
The Arco gas station on Manhattan Beach Blvd. at Dianthus was held up in an armed robbery recently…at 7pm! Residents in the tree section went for a walk on a Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago and their home was robbed and car stolen. The crime wave happening in Manhattan Beach has spiked and shows no sign of letting up.
While Mayor Stern is preoccupied with installing useless peace poles, doling out endless kindness certificates, and attending virtue-signaling chalk art events….crime is spiraling out of control. Keep in mind, Mayor Stern was the only dissenting vote in Council’s 4-1 resolution of “no confidence in Gascon” therefore she supports the very policy that has fostered this manufactured crime wave.
Manhattan Beach and our police department cannot override the disastrous effects of LA County District Attorney George Gascon’s “criminal justice reform” however the last thing we want is our current “criminal justice reform” sympathizing Mayor Stern, to impact this crucial hire.
We urge you to Zoom in to the city council meeting on Tuesday, 1/18 at 6:00 and make your voices heard on this issue and the need for a law and order Police Chief.
City Manager, Bruce Moe oversees the process for the new hire. Let him and the entire city council know your opinion about public safety and hiring for this crucial position.
Share your own experience of crime in MB and how it made you feel
Talk about your support for MBPD and how Gascon’s policies have made their
job so much more difficult and dangerous
Criminals committing armed robbery and other such major crimes in my town are not ok
A strong Police Chief who practices broken windows policing is a must
Thank Chief Abell for his over 30yrs of service to MB (310) 802-5103 and thank MBPD for all they do…let the public know you support them
Why isn’t Mayor Stern doing more to support our PD and town with this crime
Gascon has made our city a criminals paradise…we need a tough on crime PD to
counter this.
The “soft on crime” Far Left agenda pushed by Mayor Hildy Stern is just one of several issues that has not served our city well. MB needs YOU to run for City Council! You will have thousands of instant supporters, volunteers and voters! You CAN do it! Email us at MBStrong2021@gmail.com for more information.
MB School Board labels parents “dissenters” and tries to silence them with a Cease & Desist letter!
As the Far Left continues to infiltrate School Boards across the country and push parents aside who disagree with their Far Left ideology seeping into all areas of a child’s education, we have seen more and more common sense parents showing up at Board meetings pushing back. And so it goes right here in Manhattan Beach.
Last spring, MBStrong hosted a dinner at a local restaurant for residents who wanted to learn more about the Far Left ideology of Critical Race Theory and how it has found its way into our classrooms. The venue held only 50 people, and the event sold out in a matter of days.
Watch this short TikTok video simplifying Critical Race Theory (CRT). Click here.
A member of Southbay Education Alliance (link to SBEA website here) gave an informative presentation on the subject of CRT. From that event, residents formed We The Parents MB, a local parent group bringing common sense and academic excellence to the conversation at our School Board meetings.
The only problem is the School Board doesn’t like the conversations or the parents, which they labeled “dissenters.” In fact, the School Board dislikes the “dissenters” so much, they instructed their MB taxpayer-funded law firm to send 3 residents a Cease and Desist letter for having the audacity to speak the truth about policies and decisions the Board has made.
The Board may be unaware that the parents have a right to speak their mind and talk about the Board’s decisions (hint: it’s in the Constitution), yet the Board’s abuse of power came on the heels of the Biden Administration’s Attorney General accusing parents across the county of domestic terrorism for speaking against School Board policies. Perhaps the MBUSD Board felt emboldened?
As disconcerting as it was to think the Board and then President Jen Fenton used our taxes to issue an intimidating legal letter to our MB parents exercising their first amendment rights to protect their children from bad Board decisions, we were glad to hear these parents did not back down.
In fact, the Board’s action rallied many MORE residents/parents to speak at recent Board meetings on a variety of issues: the overreach by this Board; sexually explicit books suggested by some teachers; personally invasive questionnaires given to students; an Equity, Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusion committee established with 40 members that are predominately Far Leftists in search of instilling race and gender in every corner of a child’s education.
The targeted parents have asked for a retraction of the C&D, and a response to 5 petitions that address the above issues. The Board has demonstrated no intentions to listen to the common sense requests by these parents.
The only way to rid our School Board of this Far Left agenda is by replacing the 3 incumbents in November with common sense, likeminded leaders. MB needs you to run for a School Board position! It’s not as hard as you might think! You can do it! Email us at MBStrong2021@gmail.com for more information.
Attend the MBUSD Board meeting on January 26th at 5:00 p.m.
325 S. Peck Avenue, MB 90266
The petitioner is telling neighbors a blatant lie that we need to sign it so we can get it on the ballot in 2022 and vote against it. In reality, the way you stop it is to NOT SIGN THE PETITION. BEWARE AND SHARE!
Serving our community,
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