Who on MB City Council will represent the residents living around Bruce's Beach Park?
And who will represent the special interest of the Far Left?
Tonight, City Council will discuss allowing Bruce’s Beach Park to be permitted for large events. If they bring this discussion to a vote, who of the 5 members on the council will vote in favor and who will oppose?
Through the coordination of several local Far Left partners including Parks & Recreation, MB City Manager Bruce Moe, MB United, and Mayor Hildy Stern, the Far Left is making a move to turn the neighborhood park into a mega-event venue, much like we saw on February 27th.
The 2/27 event looked more like a party that you would see held at the much larger Polliwog Park. Check out this video on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CahvCsIFgOJ/
And according to this social media post, partygoers at BB are planning future events:
People from outside the city are drawn to Bruce’s Beach with what they think is the truth published in the now infamous Bruce’s Beach History Report, written by the local Far Left and endorsed by Far Left “experts.”
Anyone following the saga of the History Report knows it reports anything but a truthful telling of the facts surrounding the events of Bruce’s Beach in the 1920s. It tells a “story” that the Far Left wanted to tell, much like the story the Far Left wanted to tell in the 1619 Project.
The 1619 Project has since been professionally debunked with the facts, and someday, so too will the Bruce’s Beach History Report and the subsequent plaque language.
Mayor Stern’s push to open Bruce’s Beach to mega parties is not surprising. Stern is unabashedly Far Left and since her election to council nearly four years ago she has dedicated herself to flipping MB into a city infused with Far Left ideology and policies.
Some of Stern’s notable efforts:
erecting a Peace Pole;
painting a Rainbow on a local street;
helping coordinate the effort for a Diversity Equity and Inclusion Commission to oversee all things Woke in our city (which thankfully was shot down by City Council);
writing an apology letter on behalf of the residents regarding Bruce’s Beach (which was shot down by the residents);
pushing for expensive “radical green” energy ideas on residents and businesses;
orchestrating a Far Left agenda for the Bruce’s Beach Task Force from beginning to end which went against the directives of council;
embracing the lawless policies of LA District Attorney George Gascon and his office denying our right to our own city Prosecutor;
to now wanting to lift the permitting restrictions at BB park and allow mega events in the neighborhood.
To help Stern with her efforts, she and gal pal Amy Howorth spearheaded the founding of MB United, the Far Left local activist group comprised of many of the former members of the Bruce’s Beach Task Force.
With Stern and Howorth as the face of the Far Left, the members of MB United are the bullies behind them. If you attend a school board meeting, read posts on Next Door or Facebook, or listen to the public comments on City Council meetings, they are easy to spot with their distinctive verbal attacks on anyone against “Wokism.”
Tonight we can expect MB United to come out in full force with the Mayor to lift the permitting restrictions at BB and transform the neighborhood park into a party zone for Far Leftists.
Who on City Council will represent the voices of the residents living around the park?
If Councilman Napolitano continues his 2-year streak of lock stepping with Stern, that will be two votes for the Far Left agenda on Bruces Beach Park.
That leaves the fate of the residents living around the park in the hands of Council Members Hadley, Franklin, and Montgomery. Considering all three recently voted with Stern and Napolitano in agreement on the plaque language, anything can happen tonight.
We encourage residents to express their opinion to City Council and stand up for our city and our residents:
Write a comment on the Agenda here: Agenda items 13 & 14
Send an email to City Council here: citycouncil@ManhattanBeach.gov
Like-minded MB residents are comprised of Moderate Democrats to Conservative Republicans and represent the majority of voters in our city. The local Far Left are in the minority. However, if like-minded residents do not serve on City Council and on the School Board, the city will eventually succumb to the Far Left.
In November, Manhattan Beach needs to elect 2 strong likeminded residents to City Council and 3 to the School Board. Consider serving our city.
Contact MBStrong2021@gmail.com for more information.
Mike Michalski’s recent Newsletter
The current issue of Manhattan Beach City Council Update covers the events from 2/27, the subsequent City Council meeting, and the push by the Far Left to lift the park events restrictions.
“But, as we've stated in the past, the three locations - Bruce's Beach and the two neighborhood parkettes on 8th Street in East Manhattan and Larsson Street in the Hill section - are wholly inappropriate venues for large, special events due to (1) their relatively small size and their location in confined, heavily residential areas, (2) the paucity of nearby restroom facilities and (at least at Bruce's Beach) lack of parking and (3) the disruption these events would cause to the neighborhoods (as opposed to a more appropriate venue like Polliwog Park or even the downtown Civic Center Plaza, where special events are permitted).”
You can view the current issue, Flaw and Disorder, and subscribe to his Newsletter here: MB City Council Update
Former MB Mayor, Mark Burton, writes a passionate letter to City Council, advocating for the residents.
Dear City Council:
In my career in city government, I handled tens of thousands of claims for damages, lawsuits, and hearings. For such matters of importance, I always went to the "scene" to observe, observe what was there and what wasn't there. Last week for my MB morning walk, I parked at City Hall and walked to Bruce's Beach Park ("BB Park") to do such an observation. Here is what I observed and what I didn't observe at this city park.
What I Observed in BB Park:
BB Park has the best observation area of the blue Pacific Ocean in the entire city. It is unrivaled. It inspires. It takes your breath away. There is something so peaceful and tranquil when observing the blue Pacific Ocean from BB Park.
BB Park is a tiered park, with a series of steeply graded, grassy slopes. Several of these steeply graded, grassy slopes have staircases to traverse from one slope to the other.
BB Park has two sets of two cement benches, facing west toward the blue Pacific Ocean, on two of the park's tiers. All four benches are the primary park "facility" and serve as a great observation point.
BB Park has a basketball court on one of the park's lower tiers. As a former basketball junky, I always laugh when I see this basketball court. It's always empty because no one wants to play on a narrow court on a hill with such a steep grade. You would be chasing your basketball down the hill all day long.
What I Didn't Observe in BB Park:
BB Park doesn't have any picnic tables for families or gatherings. Most of our city parks have picnic tables, including our two pocket parks, 8th Street Park and Larsson Street Park.
BB Park doesn't have children's playground equipment. Most of our city parks have children's playground equipment for families or gatherings.
BB Park doesn't have a water fountain. Most of our city parks have a water fountain.
BB Park doesn't have a barbecue to cook for families and gatherings. Many of our city parks have a barbecue to cook for families or gatherings.
BB Park doesn't have restroom facilities. Most of our city parks have restroom facilities.
When is a park, not a park? When it's BB Park.
BB Park's primary function is to serve as a scenic view observation area. At some point in time, I'm sure many of you have stopped at a scenic view observation area, got out of your car, walked around, and looked at the incredible view. Many of these scenic view observation areas are at the top of grade, a vista.
From what I observed, and from what I didn't observe, BB Park is not an appropriate venue for any special event. As previously stated, BB Park was previously excluded by Staff and Council since it is one of three, distinctively neighborhood parks, intimately nestled adjacent to our residents.
Finally, there is a risk management aspect that supports excluding BB Park from special events. As you can readily discern, BB Park may be a dangerous condition of public property, the disclaimer on your BB Park sign aside. This is especially so if you permit special events for which BB Park is not designed to accommodate. With its steep topography, BB Park may not be safe for large gatherings of people or families.
Please do the right thing for our residents and continue to exclude Bruce's Beach Park, 8th Street Park, and Larsson Street Park from your Special Events Policy.
Thank you again for your public service.
With kind regards,